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Congratulations to Assistant Professor of Statistics Sarah Lotspeich.  She was awarded the David P. Byar Early Career Award from the Biometrics Section of the American Statistical Association.

From the AMSTATNEWS: This year’s David P. Byar Early Career Award goes to Sarah Lotspeich, who did her training at Vanderbilt University and is currently at Wake Forest University, for her paper, “Optimal Multi-Wave Validation of Secondary Use Data with Outcome and Exposure Misclassification.”

The Biometrics Section is for ASA members with special interests in the development and application of biostatistical and biomathematical methods and the interpretation of quantitative data in the biological sciences, including agriculture, biology, health, medicine, and related fields. The Biometrics Section will represent these interests within the ASA and cooperate with outside groups, most notably the North American region of the International Biometric Society, the Statistics Section of the American Public Health Association, Society for Clinical Trials, and Section U of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in effectively furthering common purposes.
